Wednesday, June 29, 2011



sekian lame blog tak hupdate...hehe bz lol.
yupss i know that title..tu tjuk drama korea..msti rmei dah tgk kn....
y blum tgk sila la tuntun!

suweet tak..suweet tak? ahah lee soo in sgt cun oke!
kim Hyun Woo...erm nop my taste la..nk cop sila la....ambik! hahahahah

pape pun bkn kisah chenta berahi mereka y ingin di smpaikn di sini...hamboi kesah2 chenta neh laju jek korg....

tp pasal operasi kilang kimia DA empunya amerika y beroperasi di shinbanli korea. kilang kimia DA merupakan kilang trebesar di dunia (dlm drama tu la kn).

akibat dr air kumbahan dr kilang kimia tersebut, ramai penduduk shinbanli mangalami sakit yang kronik. tp pemilik kilang merupakan org amerika menafikn. malahan air kumbahan dr kilang tersebut sah mengikiut piawai amerika n antarabangsa. erk. licik giler!

utuk menutup kesalahan mereka...pemilik kilang tersebut telah menubuhkan pertubuhan hamilton untuk membari khidmat rawatan percuma kpd penduduk shinbali..konon2 mulia la kn..
walhal segala sample darah penduduk y di ambil telah di konon2 pnduduk shinbanli tuh sume sehat walepatliat. walhal menderita.

sayu je tgk baby comel y tak mengerti pape nasib beliau akan dtg kn....
-pinjam gambar dr blog save malaysia stop lynas

drama ini mengingitkan aku pasal LYNAS cop y sdang
di bangunkn di gebeng ktn neh...ouch pengaruh drama~ -_-'

aku risau babe.......generasi aku akan dtg neh cmne?? adakah bakal menerima nasib cm pnduduk shinbanli dlm drama tuh?????? aaaaaaaa tidaaaaaakkkkk!!!!!

mari sama2 hentikan projek LYNASS tersebut....jom..jom...jom....

Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas

  1. Lynas, an Australia company is building (target completion end-2011) a rare earth processing plant in Gebeng, Kuantan. The plant is likely to cause severe damages to environment and may leave behind canser causing waste products.
  2. The raw material will be imported from Australia and output will be exported to oversea. The byproducts, waste left behind is slightly radioactive, and could potentially bring substantial damage to the environment and the health of the local community (which may include Kuantan, Chukai, Kemaman or Pekan).
  3. Kuantan, and people of Pahang receive NO BENEFIT from the project (project has tax holiday for 12 years, require minimal labour), and what we get is a unwanted refinery (no one in the world want this - in fact, no rare earth refinery had been built outside China for the last 30 years, as it is highly damaging to environment and potentially cancer causing).
  4. Malaysia’s last rare earth refinery in Bukit Merah was closed in 1992, after receiving numerous protests, often violent from local community who claim that the plant had resulted to increase in leukemia and birth defects.
takkan nak biarkan tragedi di bukit merah berulang kembali....haish...for the people in Kuantan, Pekan, Kemanan and rest of Pahang, it is time to stand up against the project. We can’t just keep silent and continue to be ignorant.

For people outside these areas, think about this – What is the rare earth refinery, or the proposed nuclear facility is built behind your back yard, what will you do? Today, we are requesting your help to join us against this project.

*luahan sy sbg rakyat

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